Monday, 15 March 2010

It's Music Monday....

...and so every Monday I will share the music I love with you!

I'm going to start with something that combines both music and television. A show which makes the High School Musical movies look dull in comparison. Yes, it's Glee! If you haven't seen this show yet, you really need to check it out. Like High School Musical, Glee brings high school drama and catchy tunes but instead of being squeaky clean it is jammed with controversial topics, quirky characters and brilliant humour. It's dry and sarcastic which appeals to adults, but it also has many touching, teenage moments that high-schoolers will easily relate too. The cast is mainly a host of people plucked from musicals which should give you a clue as to how brilliant their performances are, and yet Glee isn't crammed with show tunes. Instead they take popular music of all genres and eras and make them new and unique.

Quite recently, the Glee cast released a soundtrack of tunes from the show and today in the UK Volume 2 will be released - which I will be listening to and reviewing a little later. Until then though, take a look at my review of the Glee Soundtrack Volume One. See if I can make a Gleek out of you!


  1. Never watched it, but it sounds interesting!

  2. Lol, it's so funny - even if you don't enjoy the music,the dry humour is brilliant :D

  3. I have never watched glee but it does get a good write up.. good post xx

  4. It's got more talent than "Your Country Needs You", that's for sure! LOL!

    P.S Sorry I didn't get to your blog today - I will catch up tomorrow! <3 XX

  5. I enjoyed Glee! I just stopped watching it because I kept missing shows due to life and stuff, but it's clever. I should do some catching up with Hulu or something.
