Monday, 26 April 2010

A step back in time

Who doesn't love to reminisce now and again? Sometimes looking back can be so much fun. Thinking back to when you were a teenager,or even a child can bring back fond memories of times when life was simple.
Have you ever noticed how music can induce so many memories? Well some of my favourite memories come from the 90s. In particular, the summer holidays. I remember getting up early to watch my favourite tv shows in the morning before my mum was ready for us to go out for the day. After all this time, hearing a familar tv theme tune from those days always brings a smile to my face.

I recently wrote an article about my favourite 90s tv theme tunes, not all of them from children's shows, but they are all catchy and brilliant. Take a look, and let me know if you recognise them, then tell me some of your own favourites in the comments!

Saturday, 24 April 2010

Flashforward Saturday - The Garden of Forking Paths

I'm so sorry for not being around this week! Sometimes life gets a little crazy and this week was another one of those times! I should be posting with better regularity from today though!

Flashforward Saturday is here again, and while I don't have a recap of The Garden of Forking Paths yet, I will do my best to get one written over the weekend for you. For those who saw it? OH MY GOODNESS! This week's episode was absolutely incredible! The tension nearly killed me, let alone Demetri! I can honestly say I have never been so scared watching a tv show in my life.I was engrossed, so much so that when it was over I needed to have a long lie down to recover!

When I was done though, I recorded an epic Squirrelio Fans podcast with Eva. One of the longest and funniest podcasts we've ever done. If you enjoyed this week's Flashforward, you'll love our podcast! We also introduced a brand new member to the Squirrelio Fans team this week! Aaron Johnson is a fellow AC writer and an all round great guy. He agreed to record a selection of his thoughts on the episode so that gave a whole new dynamic to podcast.

If you want to hear all of us in action, you can visit our Squirrelio Fans website here

To subscribe to our RSS feed, click here and you can also download us on iTunes.

If you like what you hear, join our Facebook fan page or follow us on Twitter

Saturday, 17 April 2010

Flashforward Saturday and Autism Speaks

Hello hello! Flashforward Saturday is here!

Did you see Flashforward this week?? Talk about another great cliffhanger ending! Dyson Frost is a bad man! For a full recap of the latest episode, Let No Man Put Asunder, click here!

While we're on the subject of Flashforward, I must take the time to promote a very worthwhile cause. On the show, Ryan Wynott plays Dylan Simcoe. Dylan is autistic and in order to play the part in a believable way, Ryan had to learn some things about autism. Next week, Ryan Wynott will be taking part in a walk in Los Angeles in aid of the autism charity, Autism Speaks. It is a brilliant organisation which you can read about here, and if you want to support Ryan Wynott or find out more about why he got involved,take a look at this article.

Finally, as it is Saturday, it means we recorded a new Squirrelio Fans podcast yesterday. Those of you who haven't seen Let No Man Put Asunder should wait until you have before downloading. ;) You can get hear the latest podcast on our website, or download through iTunes! :D

EDIT: The campaign to save Flashforward is still ongoing! More info in this post!

Thursday, 15 April 2010

What do Courtney Love, Robert Pattinson and Pirates of the Caribbean have in common?

Usually, I'd say....not much.

But very recently, all of the above have been making the news for various reasons.

Almost a week ago, Courtney Love was reported to have said that she wanted Robert Pattinson to play Kurt Cobain in a movie about the Nirvana singer's life. Anti-Pattinson people were somewhat apalled by this idea, but I have to admit, I would have loved to have seen him give it a try! However, that was not to be. Yesterday, Love spoke out against these claims, saying they were "silly". You can read the full article here.

Next, some news about the forthcoming Pirates of the Caribbean movie. Today a new leading lady was announced. To find out who, take a look at this article!

Not sure how I feel about the casting of an unknown in such an epic movie series. I don't think they will be quite the same without Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley. On the other hand, it may be good to see some new faces. I'mvery excited about Ian McShane portraying Blackbeard!  While I wasn't very taken with At World's End, I am very much looking forward to seeing On Stranger Tides. Only another year to go....!

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Decorate the halls! (Top Ten Tuesday!)

Yeah, ok...shockingly bad pun seeing as it isn't even Christmas, but this topic doesn't allow for a whole lot of creativity!

Spring has arrived, and it is fairly normal in the UK for people to begin decorating their homes at this time of year. It's usually done over the Easter holidays, DIY shops are filled with eager people stocking up on paint, wallpaper etc, and preparing to give their homes a makeover!

But what would decorating be without a little music? Boring, that's what! So, with that in mind I present you with my Top Ten Tuesday post....Top 10 Songs for Decorating/Construction!

1. If I Had a Hammer - Peter, Paul and Mary
2. We Built This City - Jefferson Airplane
3. Love Can Build a Bridge - The Judds
4. Can We Fix It - Bob the Builder
5. Painter Song - Norah Jones
6. One Piece At a Time - Johnny Cash
7. Grandpa Was a Carpenter - John Prine
8. What's He Building in There - Tom Waits
9. Our House - Madness
10. Hammer To Fall - Queen

For the full list, click here! And don't forget to visit ohamanda for more Top Ten Tuesday goodness!

Saturday, 10 April 2010


*lol* Apparently I don't have time for Flashforward Fridays, so we are changing to Flashforward Saturdays which doesn't have the same ring to it but it's the best I can do!

Okay, there has been plenty of activity on the Save Flashforward campaign which you can read about here and if all goes well I should have the time to write a recap of the latest Flashforward episode "Queen Sacrifice" which was totally amazing! I guess I'll have to stop promoting my article Who Is the FBI Mole now! You can, of course, read it and laugh about how wrong I was!

Yesterday's Squirrelio Fans podcast went really well. We had great fun with it, and it was a little longer than usual to squeeze in all the excitement! Please check it out if you are a Flashfoward fan! Also, join us on Twitter and Facebook if you enjoy it!

Thursday, 8 April 2010

More Harry Potter?

It seems my Harry Potter geekiness has yet to be properly discussed here! I won't completely bore you with it though, I willjust give you the highlights!

When I was 17, my best friend was reading a Harry Potter book on the train on the way to college.When I asked her why she was reading a kid's book, she replied "Because it's good." I laughed, read the back cover, laughed again and gave it back to her. What's weird is, I don't remember when I first picked up the Philosopher's Stone and got addicted, I just know that I was instantly hooked. What followed can only be described as an obsession - reading the books, analysing them, posting theories on forums and debating, watching the movies, buying the merchandise. You name it, I probably did it!

Only true Harry Potter fans can understand the depth of love I have for the characters, and the lady who created them, J.K Rowling. But today it was brought to my attention that there may be still be life in the Harry Potter series yet. It got me thinking about how this could even work when J.K Rowling made such an effort to tie up all the loose ends. More to the point, do we really want more Harry Potter? Loving the books is one thing, but it seemed as though the door had closed on that world and I am not entirely sure it's a good idea to re-open it. For more thoughts on this, please click here.
Are you a Harry Potter fan and would you like to see more books about him and his future? Please leave a comment and let me know!

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Top Ten Tuesday!

Ever have one of those days where everything goes wrong? Today is one of those days, and I am in some serious need of cheering up! To that end, I bring you this week's Top Ten List -Ten Things That Instantly Cheer Me Up!


2. Looking at old photos

3. Cake

4. My mum

5. Hot bubble baths

6. Talking to my best friend

7. Writing

8. Playing Sims 2

9. Shopping

10. Cadbury's Creme Eggs!

For a more in depth look at my choices, click here.

If you want more Top Ten Tuesday fun - go see ohamanda's blog - the place where it all began!