Thursday, 9 September 2010

JLS Condoms!!

If I didn't know better, I would swear it was April Fool's Day!

Boyband JLS Launch Their Own Range of Condoms

This is my favourite entertainment story of the YEAR!It is fairly fresh and not much feedback has been received yet but I wouldn't be at all surprised if there are anguished cries from the mothers of teenage girls - wailing that this is encouraging teenagers to have sex instead of trying to stop it!  JLS' intentions were nothing but honourable, I believe, but this could all go horribly wrong.

Not to mention the nagging question - why would a guy buy JLS comdoms?! While there is nothing funny about teenagers having sex - particularly when they are underage - I can't help giggling over the idea that this may be JLS's first *cough* flop!


  1. Oh yes, you will most definitely hear about the mothers having a fit. Should make for an interesting couple months LOL

  2. Can't wait to hear the reactions! I hope people aren't too mean to them though, I see they were trying to do a good thing *lol*

  3. It's just brilliant - I love this story!

  4. This is so weird! I'm wondering about backlash too.

  5. I will keep you updated if I see anything! :D

  6. There's faces on the condoms? Uh...That sounds scary...and funny. I'd be too busy laughing to have sex.

  7. Lol, that was my thought too!
