Monday, 18 March 2013

The Top Ten Movie Blogfest

Today, it's the Top Ten Movie Countdown Blogfest, hosted by Alex J. Cavanaugh, and I don't mind telling you that picking just ten, then trying to put them in the right order was one of the hardest things I've ever done LOL!

10. Chorusline

Don't judge me, I LOVE a musical! When I was a kid, my friend and I used to go through phases of watching certain movies over and over again. Chorusline was one of them, and to this day, I can still recite the whole movie.

9. Hairspray (Original)

While I do love the newer, musical version of Hairspray, I think I'll always prefer the original. It was less of a musical, and more... dark and twisted, I guess lol. Not, TOO dark and twisted, but the humour is darker. And Ricki Lake is wonderful!

8.The 40-Year-Old Virgin

I'm not ashamed to admit, I have a teenage boy's sense of humour, so The 40-Year-Old Virgin is pretty much my ideal film LOL! The first time I watched it, it was in the middle of a VERY low point in my life, and I hadn't laughed in a long time. However, this movie had me laughing so hard I had to hit pause so I didn't miss anything while I was giggling! My fondness for it is partly because it's a funny film, and partly because it dragged me out of a rubbish place.

7. Shrek

Come on, who doesn't love Shrek?

6. Talladega Nights

This is ridiculousness as its best. There are so any lines of comedy genius - if you haven't seen it you really must!

5. Leon (The Professional)

I know this one looks a bit weird in amongst my other choices, but I genuinely think this is one of the best movies EVER. Not for the faint-hearted, but Gary Oldman puts in a performance that mesmerizes me every time I watch it. Brilliant.

4. My Best Friend's Wedding

In real life, if a crazy woman tried to break up a wedding, you probably wouldn't want to hang out with her. But in this movie, you can't help root for Julia Roberts as she tries to take down the perky, and slightly irritating Cameron Diaz to get the man of her dreams. It's funny and sweet, and has that classic moment that everyone always remembers.

3. Love, Actually

Full of Christmas magic, some of the finest actors Britain has to offer, and enough romance to make anyone feel all mushy!

2. The Wedding Singer

Speaking of epic comedy moments....

1. The Rocky Horror Show

The first time I ever saw The Rocky Horror Show, I was a little traumatised lol.  However, I watched it again and learned to appreciate the true brilliance of it. I mean, it's so fabulously weird, it's hard not to love it!

Don't forget to check out the other bloghop participants, the link is at the top of the page! :D 


  1. Okay you win with "Leon" such a wonderful sad, violent and happy film...

    Jeremy [Retro-Z]
    Howlin' Wolf

    1. I know it's quite a weird one to add on a list full of cheesy flicks, but I really do love it! :D

  2. Rocky Horror FTW! :) I suppose at some point I really should watch Love Actually to see what all the fuss was about ::g:: A fun list you have there.

    1. You should definitely check it out, it's great!

  3. Leon is the one I never heard of before.

    1. It's MUCH darker than the others on the list!

  4. Hey Kyra- I've tried to follow you here but for some reason blogger wouldn't let me :(

    Great choices. The Wedding Singer is hilarious. One of my favorites-

  5. The Wedding Singer!!! I love every second of that movie, especially the scene you showed.

    And The 40 Year Old Virgin makes me laugh very hard too.

    1. As much as I love the other movies, comedies will always be my favourites!

  6. Kyra, I loved your pics. I liked the Wedding Singer and My Best Friends Wedding the most of all of them. Loved going down memory lane. You can view my pics at


  7. I know what you mean about The 40 Year Old Virgin. My sides were hurting after that one. What a fun list of movies.

  8. Hi Kyra, we love the same kinds of movies. I just adore the movies on your list because I love musicals as well.

    1. Yay! I am a massive musicals fan but I tried hard not to fill the whole list with them lol!

  9. Argh, I can't believe I missed The Wedding Singer! And Leon is a brilliant film too (which I didn't have either!)

    1. It's so annoying when you realise you missed a great movie! I can't believe I forgot Dirty Dancing!

  10. Excellent choices. I'm getting a whole list of ideas...I won't wonder what to watch for months!

  11. Oh, The Professional! I can't believe I forgot about that one! You're absolutely right about Gary Oldman too. Riveting!

  12. This is a great list! I particularly love all of them. The Wedding Singer is a movie I can watch over and over again. Nice! :D

    1. Me, too! I have lost count of how many times I've seen it!

  13. Fun picks! Definitely a few I wouldn't mind seeing again:)

  14. Fantastic list! The Wedding Singer is one of Sandler's best movies and that's my favorite scene.

  15. I almost had Leon on my list. My husband even went so far as to tell me it was a mistake not to list it, lol.

    Love your choices.

    1. LOL! It would have been so cool to see it on someone else's list!

  16. You have SUCH great movies listed. I love 40 Year Old Virgin, too, because Steve Carrell and I are married (he doesn't know - shh). I had a movie that pulled me out of a dark place, too - Finding Nemo.

    And Wedding Singer is, IMO, the BEST Adam Sandler movie. Such a great one!

    1. Lmao at being married to Steve Carrell! <3

  17. I love the Wedding Singer! ANd Love Actually made my list as well :)

  18. You have some great choices full of fun! I love Shrek too!

  19. I loved her in My Best Friend's Wedding - though I agree, she took way too long to make up her mind!

  20. I expected a fun list from you and you didn't disappoint! Another great wedding film - Muriel's Wedding. See the Rocky Horror Show live if you can, it's a great night out!

  21. A Chorus Line was a great movie. The part where the woman was singing about her method acting coach, how she felt nothing when he died...chills!

  22. Love Ricky Bobby! I'm always using "mischievous bandit" as a reference, though most people will never get it.

  23. The Chorus Line was a great movie and I can watch Talladega Nights over and over again. Still cracks me up.

  24. WEDDING SINGER! I should have put that on my list, too. LOVE THAT MOVIE

  25. Oh, how I love Love Actually and My Best Friend's Wedding!

  26. The Hairspray with Warren Betty? I saw that one when I was probably too young to be watching it.

  27. I can never control myself when Cameron Diaz attempts the karaoke. Hilarious.

  28. Oh yeah! The Wedding Singer and My Best Friend's Wedding both rocked! Rocky Horror was campy fun. :)

  29. Ooh Shrek, it was good. I try not to let all the crappy sequels ruin it for me.

    Allison (Geek Banter)

  30. YAY for the Wedding Singer, it was in my list too :) And I loved Talladega Nights, very silly but so fun! Oh, and I have A Chorus Line on DVD ;) It reminds me of childhood as my mum and aunties always loved it and sang all the songs.

  31. You definitely have the most unique list I've seen today. NO ONE has put Rocky Horror Picture Show on their list. Ha! That's great. :)

  32. Aw yes, Hairspray before they made the movie into a musical and the musical into a movie. Have you seen Cry Baby? That's another twisted John Waters film with Ricki Lake, though she's not the main character.

  33. I love Leon (The Professional)! It doesn't make my top 10, but definitely my top 20.

  34. I love Leon. That is one of my favorites, too.

  35. Talladega Nights is hilarious! And Love, Actually is such a great one. Nice choices, Kyra!

  36. Dear me! I've only heard if two if these, and I've only seen one. Shrek is the one, but I only watched it once. So many movies on peoole's lists that I haven't seen.
