Monday, 15 April 2013

Reasons I Love... Reby Sky!

I can't recall exactly when I first became aware of Reby Sky, or even why. I just know that at some point, I followed her on Twitter, and it didn't take long for me to see why so many people love her.

For those who don't know who Reby Sky is, here's a quick breakdown (though I confess this is downplaying her skills a bit, she has done LOADS of stuff!) Reby is a dancer, model, TV host, and currently a pro-wrestler, which earned her the name "Diva Overachiever" for her fast climb up sport's ladder. Reby also recently got engaged to former WWE superstar, Matt Hardy, and if I may say so, they make the most adorable couple!

So, why do I love Reby? Holy crap, let me count the ways! I've never been lucky enough to see her wrestle live, but I have seen some of her videos, and she is FIERCE. Her drive for everything she does is inspiring, as is her "take no shit" approach to any abuse she gets.

Her YouTube channel is guaranteed to always make me smile. Whether she's posting make-up tips, or cute videos of her and Matt, there's always something on there that will probably make me laugh out loud!

More than anything else, I love that you will always get 100% honesty from Reby. When she says you can "ask anything" she's not kidding! Don't expect any tiptoeing around. Reby will tell it like it is, and if you don't like the answer... suck it up, buttercup!

Of course, I don't know Reby personally. I base this on what I see, and mostly, I see a badass chick with a big heart and a great sense of humour.

It's all this and more that first led me to Reby Sky's website, which is home to the coolest shop ever! Along with all the usual t-shirts etc, Reby also sells collector's items, such as clothes she's worn in the ring and on photo shoots. A while ago, I fell in love with a satin dress she had for sale, and at only $50, I couldn't resist. Now, I knew there was no way I'd ever fit into it, but that isn't the point. It's pretty, and I wanted it! :p

Honestly, how anyone ever has the audacity to say that girl is fat is beyond me! 

Now, because Reby has been so very busy lately, the dress came a little later then I expected, but to make up for it, I got some extra Reby swag:

and this very sweet note:

Thanks Reby!  

And that, my friends, is the kind of awesomeness you get when talking to Reby Sky! 

Still not convinced? Follow her Twitter feed - trust me!  

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